

What is Keratin and How Does it Help My Hair?

The hair care world is filled with new tricks, trends and techniques to keep your hair as healthy and as beautiful as possible. It can be difficult to assess which ones to follow! As one example, you may see many hair products gracing the shelves with "keratin" on the label. Or, maybe you’ve heard your hair stylist recommend investing in a keratin treatment. In other words – keratin is the treatment you must try now.

But, what exactly is keratin, and why do so many keratin hair products proudly carry the word on the bottle? If you suffer from breakage, frizz, or tangles, using a keratin treatment for hair may be a great solution to get your hair strong, straight, and shiny.

What is Keratin?

Simply put, keratin is a family of naturally-occurring fibrous structural proteins found in your hair, skin, and nails. The proteins serve as the structural support for these parts of your body, and even function as repair aides. Everything your skin does to keep you protected – from dandruff to blisters to callouses – is thanks to keratinized cells.

Keratin proteins also make up 65-95% of your hair, forming both the exterior protection of the cuticle and the interior structure in the cortex. While these proteins can be used as healing agents, they can also be destroyed with improper hair care. Heat, chemicals, low-quality water, improper techniques, and environmental factors can all play a part in depleting keratin. When this happens, the cortex becomes at risk for damage.

Luckily, you can take steps to replenish keratin in your hair that may have been lost in the past!

Using a Keratin Treatment for Hair

If your hair has been damaged, or if you simply don’t naturally have the straight and strong hair you desire, a keratin treatment may be the answer. Whether you do a full salon treatment or simply add keratin hair products to your hair routine at home, these treatments can benefit the overall quality of your hair. Additional keratin helps fill in any gaps in the cuticle or cortex that may have formed over the years.

You can expect to enjoy the following keratin oil benefits for hair:

Improved Elasticity and Strength

As mentioned above, keratin hair treatments fill in the gaps that come with hair damage. When these gaps are filled, it’s almost as if your hair grows a new armor to protect itself from breakage and brittleness. This strength will make it easier for your hair to hold up to everyday factors, such as heated styling tools, hairstyling, and the simple wear of doing your daily tasks.

Smoother and Straighter Texture

While this benefit is obtained through keratin hair treatments done in a salon and not through keratin-enhanced products, it is one of the key benefits to a professional treatment. Keratin strengthening procedures are designed to relax, neutralize, and condition hair into a straighter texture. Keratin oil is used in the final step to allow your hair to recover and hold the treatment.

Added UV Protection

Keratin proteins play a large part in protecting from the sun’s rays. Sun exposure is often an overlooked hair care issue, but it can cause damage to your beautiful locks. Especially in hotter months when you’re enjoying more time outside, UV protection is a must to consider. Styling tools take a toll on our hair, but the heat and rays from the sun can be a natural enemy as well.

Restored Moisture and Shine

When the exterior cuticle of your hair shaft is compromised, moisture retention is decreased. By repairing the integrity of the cuticle, your hair is more apt to retain moisture. When your hair holds in more moisture, dryness can be diminished and the luster returned. You’ll also see fewer split ends forming when your hair is holding on to the moisture you’re putting in.

Keratin Hair Treatments vs. Keratin Hair Products

If you’re looking to add keratin to your hair care regimen, how should you go about it? It really all depends on your goals!

Keratin treatments for hair at the salon can be a costly investment, and require a large amount of aftercare to ensure your results hold. If you’re looking to straighten hair and give your hair a total makeover, this option may be the perfect solution. After the salon treatment, be sure to ask your stylist how to maintain results. Invest in some good dry shampoo to limit how often you need to wash your hair, and avoid swimming. Additionally, do not attempt to do a salon-grade treatment at home, as some straightening treatments release harmful chemicals if not used properly.

If you’re looking for at-home maintenance instead, keratin hair products are a great addition to your routine. Today, the shelves are filled with these healing products. Start off your routine with a keratin-rich shampoo, or end your styling process with hair spray with keratin to hold your style and help your hair grow stronger.

Whatever you choose, your locks will thank you for using keratin oil for your hair! Keratin treatments for hair are the perfect solution for maintaining your hair health and preventing future damage.