It's a 10: How did you get into styling hair? what were some of the major challenges you had to overcome?
Olivia DeVries: I got into hair styling very early. My mom’s best friend when I was growing up was a small town hairdresser who owned her own shop and I always loved spending my days after school there. She was such a fantastic stylist and would try out new techniques and colors on me and I loved how easy it was to just do your hair and change everything about your look.
It's a 10: What do you love most about your hair?
OD: I love being able to very easily change my hair, from cut to color it’s never something I have to fight very hard with to achieve the look that I want. I’m also just of the mindset that “it’s just hair”, if I try something that I don’t end up liking it’s so easy to change it back, or let it grow out, or find some ways to make it work. Hair is so versatile, why not try to have fun with it?
It's a 10: What's a simple nice thing that gives you a lift when you are having a bad day?
OD: On a bad day, lavender oil and some green tea make me feel so much better. Or taking a little time to just be alone. I have a busy life: a full time job, a husband, two kids…time to yourself is a precious commodity and being able to just sit somewhere quiet and play with makeup or go through a simple skin care routine makes me feel calm and also like I’m taking some time to pamper myself and make sure some of my needs are met too.
It's a 10: What advice can you give someone who doesn’t love their hair?
OD: I guess my advice for someone would relate to what I’ve already said: it’s JUST hair. Try something new, you might love it. Cut it all off just once, it’s so liberating. If you want pink hair, or blue hair, or princess rainbow unicorn hair…just DO it, because the worst that could happen is that you have to change it back, but the best that could happen is that you fall in love with trying something new.
Follow Olivia to stay up to date on her latest hair creations and inspirations on Instagram